Thursday, January 22, 2009

January Meeting

Yesterday was the first CAN-DO Neighborhood Association meeting of 2009. The December meeting was cancelled due to inclement weather, also known across the region as the "Arctic Blast 2008."

So, here's a little taste of what happened at the meeting, in case you missed all the fun and information:

  • We got updates on plans that the city has to build an interactive fountain for summer play. It is mostly funded by a gift, although the city will have to pay for maintenance and has also agreed to supply the landscaping.

  • We also heard an update on the new pedestrian bridge that is in the works. It will run from Riverfront Park to Minto Brown Park, connecting to distant parts of the city. Also, the pedestrian bridge from Riverfront to Wallace Marine Park is already being reconstructed from an old train bridge.

  • Go Downtown asked us to give support for more music at a slightly higher decibel for the First Wednesdays throughout the year. CAN-DO gave their support.

  • An interested citizen presented an idea for a building mural at 100 High Street near the Wells Fargo Bank.

  • And we were apprised of a group that works with prisoners released into Marion County. It is called Marion County Re-entry Initiative which is a transitional program. They are looking for volunteers and letting people know about their program.

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